So after researching prices for the various things I'll need to build this railway, I've developed a budget which I hope to have matched on my bank account by May when I start construction. First, let me make a list of what I'll need:
The result of leaving out the above items would still give me an operational layout that could be displayed at a show. Plus, anywhere I can save money I will do so. That means that the amount I need to worry about raising is: $449 plus about $50 in shipping for online orders and some extra for sales tax. Therefore I can round up to about $500 as my budget limit.
Is this a $500 layout? It built under certain circumstances, then yes. However, as I pointed out the items I would leave out would have to be added at some point after initial construction. The power pack would need to be added for sure before the first show. The other 4 cars would complete the needed rolling stock and trees would be nice.
However if I can set aside $450 to $500 by May, then this layout will be possible.
So there is my budget thus far. Some items may change, although I highly doubt it.
- 5/8 inch plywood (one sheet per two modules): $25.00
- 1/8 inch hardboard (two sheets per module): $8.00
- 1" foam board (two sheets per module): $13.00
- hardware(nuts, bolts, washers, screws, glue): $25.00 per module
- Track from switchcrafters: $120.00
- Ballast, dirt, and soil: $30 est
- Power supply: $160 or less
- Lighting: $30.00 per module
- Rolling Stock (6-8 cars): $180
- Paint (Black, grey, tan): $20
- grasses and plants: $30 est
- Trees: $30 est
Of the things above, items I won't need right away include:
Power supply: $160 or less
Lighting: $30.00 per module
3-4 of the rolling stock items: $90
Trees: $30 est
The result of leaving out the above items would still give me an operational layout that could be displayed at a show. Plus, anywhere I can save money I will do so. That means that the amount I need to worry about raising is: $449 plus about $50 in shipping for online orders and some extra for sales tax. Therefore I can round up to about $500 as my budget limit.
Is this a $500 layout? It built under certain circumstances, then yes. However, as I pointed out the items I would leave out would have to be added at some point after initial construction. The power pack would need to be added for sure before the first show. The other 4 cars would complete the needed rolling stock and trees would be nice.
However if I can set aside $450 to $500 by May, then this layout will be possible.
So there is my budget thus far. Some items may change, although I highly doubt it.
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